Antiquarian Handbook No. VI (Published by Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland - 1905) The Islands of Ireland, T.H. Mason (Published by B.T. Batsford Ltd - 1936) The Islands of Ireland, Kenneth McNally (Published by B.T. Batsford Ltd - 1978) Discover the Islands of Ireland - Alex Ritsema (Published by Collins Press, Cork - June 1999) Islands of Ireland, McCormick, Donald (Published by Osprey - 1974) Ireland's Islands Text - Peter Somerville Large, Photos - David Lyons (Published by Gill & McMillan - November 1999) Oileáin - David Walsh Published by Pesda Press - June 2004 The Islands of Ireland Nutan (Published by Thames and Hudson - 2005) Other Ireland's Western Islands - John Carlos (Published by Collins Press 2014) Ireland's Lighthouses - A Phot Essay - John Eagle Islands and Authors (Published by Mercier Press 1983) Ireland's Coastline - Richard Nairn (Published by Collins Press 2005) Ireland - A Natural History - Chapter 10 - Michael Viney (Published by The Blackstaff Press - 2003) Ireland - A Natural History - Chapter 10 David Cabot (Published by Harper Collins - 1999) |
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Around Ireland in a Sea Kayak
![]() (Published by St. Martin's Press, New York, 1999) Dances with Waves - Brian Wilson ( Published by O'Brien Press - 1998) Paddle: A Long Way around Ireland, Jasper Winn (Published by Sort of Books, 2011) |
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Walks of Seven West Cork Islands - Damien Enright Published by Merlin Press - 2005 |
The Burren & The Aran Islands: A Walking Guide - Tony Kirby The Collins Press - 2009 |
Specific Islands
AchillAchill IslandTheresa McDonald Achill Kenneth McNally The Veiled Woman of Achill Patricia Bryne - 2012 Achill's Eva O'Flaherty Mary J. Murphy - 2012 Siúlóidí Acla Kirkintolloch The Sun-Fish Hunt - Kenneth McNally Undertow John F. Deane Aran IslandsSome books on the Aran IslandsThe Aran Islands - J. M. Synge First published 1907 Oxford University Press - 1990 Stones of Aran: Labyrinth - Tim Robinson Penguin (1997) - first published 1995 Stones of Aran: Pilgrimage - Tim Robinson Penguin - 1987 The Book of Aran - Tír Eolas - 1994 The Aran Islands - Daphne Pochin Mould David and Charles - 1972 The Aran Islands and Galway City Breandán Ó Riordáin Dublin: Mount Salus (c1960) An Aran Keening - Andrew McNeillie Lilliput Press - 2001 The Aran Islands - J. M. Synge First published 1907 Oxford University Press - 1990 Inis Meain Images: Ten Days in August 1912 Watson, Henry Cecil Dublin: Wolfhound, 1999 The Aran Islands: A World of Stone. History, Traditions, Landscape, Stories Curriculum Development Unit - 2003 Inis Beag - John C. Messenger - 1969 Waveland Press, Inc - reissued 1983 Arranmore IslandArranmore LinksBarney Gallagher - 1986 The Seals Monk Gibbon - 1935 Bere IslandBere Island - Ted O'SullivanInniscraggy Books Blasket IslandsClick for a full listing of books and articles on the BlasketsBlaskets - People and Literature, Muiris McConghail 1987 - Country House Blasket Islands - Next Parish America - Joan and Ray Stagles O'Brien Press An t-Oileánach - Tomás Ó Criomhthain Cape ClearFull ListingCape Clear - A Visual Tour - Chuck Kruger Southern Star - 2011 Cape Clear Island: Its People and Landscape - Éamon Lankford. Cape Clear Museum - 1999 Echoes from Cape Clear Tom and Stephanie Green - Published 2009, Illustrations by Robert Gillmor and Stephanie Green Walks of Seven West Cork Islands - Damien Enright Clare IslandNew Survey of Clare IslandVolume 1: History and Cultural Landscape - 1999 Volume 2: Geology - 2001 Volume 3: Marine intertidal ecology - 2002 Volume 4: The Abbey - 2005 Volume 5: Archaeology - 2007 Volume 6: The Freshwater and Terrestrial Algae Published by the Royal Irish Academy See also Granuaile - Anne Chambers The Life and Times of Grace O'Malley The Wolfhound Press - 1979 ConnemaraConnemara - listening to the wind - Tim RobinsionPenguin Books - 2006 Connemara - A Little Gaelic Kingdom - Tim Robinsion Penguin Books - 2011 Connemara - the last pool of darkness - Tim Robinsion Penguin Books - 2008 Setting Foot on the Shores of Connemara & Other Writings - Tim Robinson The Shores of Connemara - Séamus Mac an Iomaire Tír Eolas - 2000 Three Men on an Island - James McIntyre Blackstaff Press - 1996 DurseyDiscover Dursey - Penelope DurellBallinacarriga Books - 1996 GweedoreProud Island - Peadar O'Donnell (fiction)O'Brien Press - 1975 GolaGola, the life and last days of an island community by FH Aalen and H BrodyThe Mercier Press, Cork - 1969 Heir IslandHeir Island - It's history and People - Eugene DalyHeron's Way Press - 2004 High IslandHigh Island - An Irish Monastery in the AtlanticJenny White Marshall and Grellan D. Rourke Published by Town House - 2001 |
Inishbofin (Galway)One inch map and Gazeteer of Connemara including the islandsTim Robinson - Folding Landscapes - 1990 Birds of Inishbofin - Tim Gordon Inishbofin Development Company, 2005 ISBN 0 9521423-4-1 Inishbofin and Inishark James Morrissey - 2012 Inishbofin - A guide to the natural history and archaeology David Hogan and Michael Gibbons - 1992 Inishbofin Through Time and Tide, ed.Kieran Concannon Inishbofin Development Association - 1993 Inishbofin - James Morrissey Crannóg Books - 1987 Seven Year Island - Jerome Kiely Geoffrey Chapman - 1969 The Island of the White Cow - Deborah Tall Andre Deutsch - 1986 Inishfree UpperInishfree Upper, Co. Donegal - Margaret Duffy - 2004InishkeasFrançoise Henry in Co. Mayo - The Inishkea JournalsJanet T. Marquardt, editor Four Courts Press - 2012 Mayo's Lost Islands - The Inishkeas - Brian Dornan Four Courts Press - 2000 Within the Mullet - Rita Nolan - 1998 (Chapter on Inishkeas, Inishglora and Duvillaunmore) Inishmurray and Inishkea North Islands of Storm - James Charles Roy Dufour Editions - 1991 InishmurrayInishmurray - Ancient Monastic Island : Patrick HeraughtyO'Brien Press - 1998 Inishmurray - Monks and Pilgrims in an Atlantic Landscape : Tomas Ó Carragáin & Jerry O'Sullivan Collins Press - 2008 - 978-1905172474 Inismurray, Gale, Stone and Fire: Portrait of a fabled island.- Joe McGowan Aeolus - ISBN 0-9521334-2-3. - 1998. InishtrahullThe Book of Inishtrahull - Seán BeattieFoyle Press - 1992, Reprinted 1997 RathlinListing of books and articles on Rathlin IslandRathlin: Nature and Folklore : Philip Watson Stone Country - 2011 Rathlin, Its Island Story - Wallace Clark Rathlin Island as I Knew It - Alex Morrison Sea Wrack or Long Ago Stories of Rathlin Island - Mary Campbell J. S. Scarlett & Sons, Ballycastle, - 1951 Roaring Water BayA History of the Fastnet Lighthouse James Morrissey FASTNET FORCE 10 John Rousmanier The Wild Plants of Sherkin, Cape Clear and adjacent Islands of West Cork John Akeroyd (editor) SUPPLEMENT to The Wild Plants of Sherkin, Cape Clear and adjacent Islands of West Cork SalteesA Pinch of Saltee - Henry Grattan BellewJustin Nelson Productions - 2003 Saltees; Islands of Birds and Legends Richard Roche & Oscar Merne -O'Brien Press 1977 Scattery Island - Inis CathaighThe Story of Inis Cathaigh - Scattery IslandDaniel Mescal - HardPress, 2012 Inhabitants of Scattery Island, Shannon Estuary, County Clare by Senan Scanlan - published by the author - 1997 Memories of an Islander: A Life on Scattery and Beyond Don Scanlan Twix Skellig and Scattery - Miceál Riogbardáin, Tomás Ciarrbaic Kerryman - 1932 Sherkin IslandSherkin Island - a time and place - Terry FarnellISBN 0953343901 The Ecology of the Rocky Shores of Sherkin Island Gillian Bishop The Natural History of SHERKIN ISLAND - West Cork John Akeroyd - Photography by Robbie Murphy Sherkin Island - Dolly O'Reilly Revised edition published 2013 SkelligsThe Skellig StoryDes Lavelle -The O'Brien Press The Forgotten Hermitage of Skellig Michael Horn, Marshall, Rourke Univesity of California Press - 1990 Sun Dancing - Geoffrey Moorhouse Weidenfeld and Nicolson - 1997 ToryThe House that Disappeared on Tory IslandAnton McCabe On a Rock in the Middle of the Ocean - Lillis Ó Laoire Cló Iar-Chonnachta Toraigh na dTonn - Eoghan Ó Colm Cló Iar-Chonnachta - ISBN: 1 874700 58 3 Stories from Tory Island Dorothy Harrison-Therman Published by Country House - 1989 Islanders: The True Story of One Man's Fight to Save a Way of Life by Diarmuid Peicin with Liam Nolan - Harper Collins -1997 Tory Island Images by Martine Franck Wolfhound Press - 2000 ValentiaValentia - A different Irish IslandNellie Ó'Cléirigh Portobello Press - 1992 Valentia - Portrait of an Island Daphne Pochin Mould Blackwater Press- 1978 Man & the environment in Valentia Island - Frank Mitchell Royal Irish Academy - 1989 |
Shima: The Internation Journal of Research into Island CulturesVolume 2, Number 2, 2008From Marginality to Resurgence - Irish Islands by Stephen A. Royle Journals of the Westport Historical SocietyVol. 9. No. 1, 1989 - ISSN 0332-4117 The Rocks of the Mayo Islands by Adrian Phillips The Natural History of our Western Islands by Tony Whilde Cathair na Naomh and its Cross-slabs by Michael Herity Military History of the Western Islands by Sheila Mulloy Settlement, Population and Economy of the Western Islands by Stephen A. Royle Vol. 10. No. 1, 1990 - ISSN 0332-4117 Inishbiggle - The Edge of Ireland by Donna Ohl Allen The Outer Islands of Clew Bay: A Study (Island More, Knockycahillaun, Rabbit Island and Quinsheen Island), (Part 1) by Honor Sisk Vol. 11 No. 1, 1991 - ISSN 0332-4117 The Outer Islands of Clew Bay: A Study (Island More, Knockycahillaun, Rabbit Island and Quinsheen Island), (Part II) by Honor Sisk Life on Island More and Knockycahillaun By Anna Hawkshaw (Clew Bay) Some aspects of trade in Clew Bay by John Mulloy Vol. 12 No. 1, 1992 - ISSN 0332-4117 Some aspects of trade in Clew Bay, Part II by John Mulloy Journal of the Clifden and Connemara Heritage GroupVol. 2 No. 1, 1995 - ISSN 0791 94SX St. Mac Dara's Church and Island by F. J. Bigger |
Ulster Journal of Archaeology, 57 - 1994Island life off co. Down: the Copeland Islands, 177-182 by ROYLE, S.A. Mizen JournalNo. 2 - 1994 Memories of West Skeam 8-19 Joseph O'Regan Cape Clear Passage Tomb 37-40 Paddy O'Leary No. 3 1995 Archaeological Excavations at Skeam West 71-79 Claire Cotter No. 5 - 1997 Place Names of Castle Island 65-74 Anthony Beese No. 6 - 1998 The placenames of Horse Island - An interpretation 36-55 Anthony Beese No. 7 - 1999 Waterford and the Sack of Baltimore (4 March 1538) 29-45 Edward O'Mahoney The Raid on the Fastnet Lighthouse (June 1921) 46-49 Frank Lannin No. 8 - 2000 Heir Island - 34-55 Eugene Daly The Natural Environment and the Place Names of the Skeam Islands 74-82 Anthony Beese B. Sc Ph D Baltimore, the O'Driscolls, and the end of Gaelic Civilisation 1538-1615 110-127 Edward O'Mahoney M.A. The O'Driscolls and their Revenues from Fishing - The 1609 Inquisition 128-130 Edward O'Mahoney M.A. No. 9 2001 Memories of Fishing in Cape Clear between the Two World Wars 111-127 Micheál Ó Dálaigh - edited by his son, Eugene Daly A Celtic Pilgrimmage on Cape Clear 128-146 Dr Eamon Lankford |
The Coriander - Eilís Dillon (fiction)
Faber and Faber - 1963 ISBN 1 85371 214 0 Reviews |
The Lost Island - Eilís Dillon (fiction)
London, Faber, 1952 New York, Funk and Wagnalls, 1954 Reviews |
The Island of Horses - Eilís Dillon (fiction)
London, Faber - 1956 New York, Funk and Wagnalls - 1957 Reviews |
The Singing Cave - Eilís Dillon (fiction)
London - Faber -1959 New York - Funk and Wagnalls - 1960 Dublin - Poolbeg Press -1991 ISBN 1 85371 153 5 |
The Fort of Gold - Eilís Dillon (fiction)
London - Faber - 1961 New York - Funk and Wagnalls - 1961 Reviews |
The Sea Wall - Eilís Dillon (fiction)
London - Faber -1965 New York - Farrar Straus -1965 Dublin - Poolbeg 1994 ISBN 1 85371 304 X |