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Michaelmas Daisies
modern house at the side of the channel from Burtonport to Arranmore - see next photo for contrast
traditional house at the side of the channel from Burtonport to Arranmore - see previous photo for contrast
Arranmore - Michaelmas Daisies
Árainn Mhóir - Irish is still spoken on Árainn Mhóir
Árainn Mhóir - Arranmore is served by roll on roll off ferries from Burtonport
Árainn Mhóir - stone at the harbour
Árainn Mhóir - Irish is still spoken on Árainn Mhóir
Árainn Mhóir - the island's main harbour
Árainn Mhóir - there are plenty of cars on the island
Árainn Mhóir - fuchsia magellenica is a native of Chile
Árainn Mhóir - traditional farm building
Árainn Mhóir - a roll on, roll off ferry arriving at Arranmore harbour

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