The Skerries Islands Colt, Shenick and St. Patrick's Islands are small lowlying uninhabited islands situated between 0.5 km and 1.5 km
off the north Dublin coast. There are the remains of an early christian church on St. Patrick's Island and of a Martello Tower on Shenick Island which is owned by Birdwatch Ireland.
Rockabill is one of the most important tern colonies in Europe. Rockabill consists of two small, low-lying, granitic islets situated c. 7 km off the Co.
Dublin coast. The islands are normally separated by a narrow channel but connected at low spring tides. The smaller island, known as the Bill, is very exposed and is sparsely vegetated. A lighthouse is situated on the main island.
From the NPWS website - see the website links.
Rockabill - Breeding Birds
The islands host large numbers, breeding seabirds, in particular, arctic, roseate and common terns.
St. Patrick's and Shenick - Breeding Birds
The Cormorant population was only established in the early 1990s and when taken together with the colonies on nearby Lambay and Ireland's Eye comprises about 35% of the total Irish population. Large gulls breed on Colt Island but there has been no census in recent years.
Overwintering Birds
In winter, the islands regularly support a range of species. The following counts are the average
annual peaks over the five winters 1995/96 to 1990/00.